Sharon Gebhardt

Board Member | Turtle Mountain Chippewa, Little Shell

I am an enrolled Turtle Mountain Chippewa, I am also Little Shell. My father was Turtle Mountain and my mother Little Shell. I have 7 brothers and 3 sisters. I have 3 children of my own. I was divorced at 21 and raised my children and many more. I became a foster mother in my 20's and I have raised 17 children on my own. My main interest in being on this board is to encourage youth programs designed to promote native culture and keep kids off drugs and lead productive lives. I also would like good programs for elders. There should be meals on wheels, transportation to and from Dr. Appts. 

In the past I worked as a home, school coordinator and in the foster care system. 

I took care of my parents until the day they died, dad at 96 died in my home. My mother died at 93 in the hospital, because of poor medical treatment for the elderly.