Colette August

Executive Director
(360) 490-3454

Colette (Canku Duta Win \ Red Road Woman) has worked at Tahoma Indian Center since 2017. She is the lead liaison to the board of directors, volunteers and staff. She has started an Overdose Awareness Day for Tahoma Indian Center and participated in Na'ah Illahee Fund Neighborhood Capacity Building.

Colette has a bachelor’s degree from The Evergreen State College (TESC) and is currently enrolled in TESC Master of Public Administration- Tribal Governance. She has worked in human services for over 15 years. She has volunteered at Bridges- A Center for Grieving Children since 2012. She has also started a Survivors of Suicide group in her hometown of Tacoma. Her drive and passion for community and healing derives from her love of family.

Colette has 5 sons and a granddaughter that motivate her to ensure the community they live in will be a safe and healthy place. She loves roller skating, bike riding, hiking, Muay Thai training and photography in her spare time as a way to rejuvenate her to be able to provide her best self to her family and community.

Canku Duta Win (Red Road Woman) is a Tla’amin First Nation Citizen (Coast Salish), Little Shell Chippewa (Anishinaabe), and has family ties to Lower Sioux Community (Dakota).